Addresses of Former Italy Missionaries

This information was last updated on January 23, 2012. Please choose the "reload" function on your browser to ensure you have the latest information.

Many persons have registered on this website to make it possible for their former colleagues to find them. Sisters are listed with the maiden name followed by their married name (if applicable). If you would also like to register and add your name to this growing list, please go to this link and fill out the information you wish to share. It will be added shortly to what you see now.

If your Email address does not work your entry will be removed. Please send Email address updates promptly. We have no desire to share out-dated information. Thank you!

To see the entire list from the top, click here.

To go to a name beginning with a specific letter click one of the links below:

Last names beginning with

A to D

E to H

I to M

N to R

S to Z